Utmost Athletics Participation Protocols
The underlying principal in our safety protocols is that “Life is a team sport”.
We all work together to keep our community safe.
The underlying principal in our safety protocols is that “Life is a team sport”.
We all work together to keep our community safe.
We are glad you’re here! Please read and adhere to the following safety protocols. If you are sick, or feeling unwell in any way, please do not come to your workout session. If you or a family member test positive or come into contact with a person who tests positive for COVID-19 please notify Utmost as soon as possible so that we can follow proper process and procedure as required by the state and county health departments for contact tracing and disinfecting.
In our current phase of reopening, training in small groups of 4 allows participants to be physically distanced but socially engaged.
1. Please bring a facemask with you to Utmost every day you train. Masks must be worn when entering the building to use the restroom, if you are unable to maintain social distancing of 6 ft and during all transitions.
2. Bring your own water bottle full of water. We will be unable to use the water station for the time being.
3. Bring your own towel to wipe off with. We will be unable to supply them for the time being.
4. When you arrive, please put on your mask and wait outside in the designated area. Please maintain 6ft of social distance at all times from other participants whether inside or outside. Please keep your facemask on during all transitions.
5. Kleenex, trash cans and hand sanitizer are located around the room. Use as needed.
6. Each participant will have an assigned work out station. Equipment is disinfected between sessions. Please wear your mask when you move out of your station to get equipment.
7. Traffic flow in the room will move in a counterclockwise direction only. This is to minimize crossing paths and maintain social distancing.
Each workout station has its own supplies for cleaning. When your workout is finished, please clean and disinfect all items in your station – bars, dumbbells, plates, collars, bands, ropes, balls, mats etc. Leave your cleaning towel on the floor of your station. It will be collected at the end of each session by a coach. Before leaving pick up your personal items and get hand sanitizer from a coach.
In our current phase of reopening, training in small groups of 4 allows participants to be physically distanced but socially engaged.
1. Please bring a facemask with you to Utmost every day you train. Masks must be worn when entering the building to use the restroom, if you are unable to maintain social distancing of 6 ft and during all transitions.
2. Bring your own water bottle full of water. We will be unable to use the water station for the time being.
3. Bring your own towel to wipe off with. We will be unable to supply them for the time being.
4. When you arrive, please put on your mask and wait outside in the designated area. Please maintain 6ft of social distance at all times from other participants whether inside or outside. Please keep your facemask on during all transitions.
5. Kleenex, trash cans and hand sanitizer are located around the room. Use as needed.
6. Each participant will have an assigned work out station. Equipment is disinfected between sessions. Please wear your mask when you move out of your station to get equipment.
7. Traffic flow in the room will move in a counterclockwise direction only. This is to minimize crossing paths and maintain social distancing.
Each workout station has its own supplies for cleaning. When your workout is finished, please clean and disinfect all items in your station – bars, dumbbells, plates, collars, bands, ropes, balls, mats etc. Leave your cleaning towel on the floor of your station. It will be collected at the end of each session by a coach. Before leaving pick up your personal items and get hand sanitizer from a coach.